Case studies: Tofoo

How To Make Tofu Dance 

by Clare Cassidy

Here at Curious Crab we love a brand that’s as zany as us. Throw in a few silly puns and loud colours and we’re practically swooning! So, to us, Tofoo was the perfect fit. Spelt differently because “it’s not like any tofu,” Tofoo have made it their mission to make tofu accessible and exciting to an ever-growing market. When they approached us, they were looking for a video production company to help them launch a digital campaign demystifying tofu cooking techniques.

If you are familiar with our offering, you’d know they came to the right people. We put our crabby heads together and narrowed it down to four essential processes: scrambling, frying, marinading, and chopping techniques. All videos would be set to some funky Soul, with a healthy dose of wordplay. “There’s no gamble in this scramble”, “Crisp ‘n Crunch before ya munch.” Don’t ask us how we do it, we just excel when it comes to being cheesy.

So, the themes were set, next we had to tackle the recipes (the best part of marketing for food companies). How could we steer tofu away from the stereotypical lentil bowl and drive it in a whole new direction? What would make this Tofoo stand out from the crowd? Our handy team of chefs set to work and came up with some serious soul food: a scrambled tofu breakfast bun dripping with Sriracha sauce, crispy tofu bao buns oozing Japanese mayo, sizzling hot spicy kebabs and zesty tofu tacos. All the dishes would be handheld, so that we could literally hold them up to the lens and ultimately make this Tofoo dance.

The result may look casual and fun, but each dish required a team of chefs and a food stylist to perfectly craft the ultimate handheld bite. We had toothpicks holding up red onion slices at the perfect angle, pipettes being employed to best place the mayo blobs. There was no gamble in that scramble!

And since this was filmed during covid times, our marvellous client simply zoomed in to give us their invaluable input. With the camera rigged up to a laptop, we were able to show them exactly what we were filming every step of the way, from the comfort of their own home.

The result is a series of videos and photos that have given the marketing team at Tofoo invaluable assets that can be used across social media platforms, and the perfect example of how to make your food brand dance, or in this case, get down and funky.


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