Brand Storytelling, where do you start?

by Yolanda Ocon

At the beginning of a business journey, there is always a vision, a dream every entrepreneur wants to achieve.

The journey of bringing your idea to life can feel long and stressful. There are a million things you need to focus on; growth strategies, finances that need to be in check, budgets that need to be stuck to, investors to be responded to, to name a few. When all these aspects take over the running of a business it’s easy to feel lost and forget about the main reason you started this journey.

That’s why it’s important to get back to basics and remember your beginnings, remind yourself and others why you have and keep on putting all the effort into making your brand the best there is. Every brand has a story and they should be telling it to the world. As social beings we like connecting with other people's stories, it’s what makes us more relatable.

Video content is a great tool to share your brand’s story as it allows you to portray your brand in a way no other medium can. After all, a picture speaks a thousand words, imagine then the impact a video can have.

However, you have to be careful about how you tell your story and what message you want to send. It's really easy to get carried away during the creative process and lose track of the main message you wanted to send in the first place.

But how do I do this? You might ask. Well, you can start by following these three simple steps.

Keep it simple / concise: Don’t over complicate it. Think about the one message you are trying to say and stick to it. Remember to always answer the questions of; What do you want to achieve? Why are you doing what you do? Who are you doing it for?

If you think that one video is not enough to share your brand’s story, You can always create a series of videos, but keep in mind that each one should follow the same principle of one main message.

Think about your audience: Always keep your audience in mind, who is likely going to be watching your video? Based on this you can adapt the narrative so that it engages with them.

Be honest and true to yourself and your brand: Brands sometimes make the mistake of overdoing it when it comes to telling their story trying to be something they are not.

Not only your audience will spot this in your video but also you will be complicating the creative process. Those creative juices will flow much easier when you speak from experience rather than making things up.


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