Marketing for Food Companies
Curious Crab: A Food Video Production Agency
Our team at Curious Crab Productions are seasoned pros when it comes to creative video production for food brand marketing. With our kitchen studios based in Central London, and a core team of camera crew, animators and editors, we have all the right tools to bring your food brand to life through high quality, sizzling, oozing food videography and photography.
Trusted by
With our unique background as the founders of School of Wok, producing engaging social media content is our bread and butter and our video production team have been working with food companies for many years.
Our clients range from well-established food companies to kitchenware brands through to younger, challenger food brands who are keen to make their mark as quickly as possible through their direct-to-consumer websites and social media channels. We are also completely mobile and can film on location whenever required.
Let’s work together.
We’d love to learn about our project! Send us an email and we’ll get back to you.
+44 207101 4152
Our Approach
We understand that social media platforms are constantly changing, but also know that no matter what social media platform you are creating assets for, consistency is key. We have found success time and time again through gaining a quick understanding of the USPs of your food company and products. Once we have a clear grasp of what makes your food products stand out, we can then hone in our video production to create a visual impact that amplifies your brand message and marketing strategies.
We take a very structured approach to project. Before connecting the dots and embarking on any food production and marketing with new clients, we look at the following:
Business backgrounds
Your brand story so far
Where you want your brand to be in the near future
Existing sales or social media channels that you currently have
We then inject our production expertise to create video content that aligns your unique vision and strategy, discussing and agreeing on creative storyboards for the videos. On approval of the storyboards, we book in the filming days to get all the shots required to fill the agreed frames. Then the ‘post production’ happens, and we get editing. Usually we allow for 2 iterations of the first draft and require consolidated feedback to keep the production process as simple and efficient as possible for everyone involved.
Why Curious Crab for your Food Video Production & Marketing?
At our core, we know food best. Our production crew is made up of a small team of directors, producers and camera crew who are supported by a team of highly trained chefs, who can cook all cuisines. Having worked on School of Wok for over a decade, our Creative Director, Jeremy Pang, and our team have built up a fantastic reputation in the industry for innovation in the food world, and most importantly, building a household food brand through online brand marketing and social media content marketing.
With our understanding of the crucial steps required to cook something, we are able to apply this process to filming recipes or TV-advert-ready food videos that make you drool. You will see from our showreel that we work with some of the top food brands on the supermarket shelf and are well-versed in working with clients in all categories of the food and drinks world.
We love to combine raw video footage of beautiful food and product shots together with simple animation to show off your food brand to the wide world of hungry consumers. Our collaborative approach to working helps us to understand each and every client need, and more importantly, embrace your own brand USPs to showcase them in a vivid, stylish way through video production.
We’re capable of bringing together specialist food stylists and some of the best food and lifestyle photographers in the industry and take a very honest approach to building quotes for each project we work on.
We’re finding that our clients are accepting the importance of video and that the digital age has most certainly ‘arrived’. With this in mind, we are often treated as the ‘video arm’ to marketing departments for food companies and can build visual strategies that align with overarching marketing campaigns. This is something that comes with years of experience building our own successful food brands, and is definitely unique to us as a video production company focused on food.
Harnessing the power of the digital supermarket shelf
In order to dramatically improve your business strategy, food brands everywhere have to define their USP. Once this is done, the tricky part of reaching a global audience begins.
Now more than ever, people everywhere are hungry for food and drink-related content, and more than static images and text, video is their format of choice. The latest estimates suggest 82% of internet traffic currently comes from video streaming and downloads and shows no signs of stopping.
To truly stand out in this sea of food brands and stay relevant and competitive, new companies have to leverage the power of video content marketing.
Luckily, thanks to the age of social media, it’s never been easier to spread your message and reach unparalleled audience numbers. Investing in video content is the perfect tool for boosting brand awareness, generating new leads and influencing consumer purchases. And with Curious Crab as your expert partners, harnessing the power of video production has never been easier.
Our Services
Bring your strategies to life
Amplify your brand
Empower your USP
The easiest way to understand what we do best is to know that if you have a food brand with a website, or social media channel that you feel needs video to help deliver your brand messages, we can help you realise the true power of film and bring your products to life through video production marketing.
We are experts in creating short, sharp recipe videos, social media videos, short food videos for paid advertising and are fully flexible to either come to you to film or do all the production here at our Central London kitchen filming studios.
Short-term and long-term video brand strategy
Video content management strategy
Suggested video content scheduling plans
Suggested formatting changes and consistency to video uploads on social media channels that will help grow your audience
Data insights & development to form agreed KPI’s
Copywriting & script writing
Short & sharp recipe videos
Social media videos
Simple online advertising videos
Lifestyle & brand videography
Kitchen film studio
On-location filming & video production
Food & travel photography
Food & travel filming and videography
Offline video editing
Music composition
Sound design & mix
Colour grading
Online editing
Rough and ready TV
Out and about filming (travel documentaries/on location food shoots)
Are You a Spontaneous or Curious Crab?
We understand that every customer of ours may be at a completely different stage in their wants and needs in terms of content production. Quite often, if at the start of the journey, it’s hard to know where to start. With this in mind, we tend to split our work into short-term and long-term digital content production.
If you are at the beginning of your brand journey and haven’t really used video campaigns for your brand before, but feel that you need to try video out to see what’s possible, perhaps starting the journey with the simplest form of food or travel videos are a safe testing ground for you.
Top down, short form video content has become very popular in the last few years and can be turned around professionally, quickly and efficiently by our Curious Crab Production team.
Here are the types of simple production we consider more spontaneous and ad-hoc in our Curious Crab production world:
Short & sharp recipes videos
Simple online advertising videos
Simple Video Animations of logos and pre-existing brand assets
Simple 1 minute social media videos
If you feel you have dabbled in the spontaneous and ad-hoc video production for a while and perhaps feel more like a “wandering crab” who has perhaps lost a bit of direction, and are searching for some guidance on how to turn your natural crab-like curiosity towards an impactful long-term video strategy that amplifies your brand, business and social media channels, then you may want to consider more of our in-depth video strategy services.
If digital content is already a key driver to the growth of your brand, our collaborative approach to the video and content production consultancy services that we offer are likely to be far more beneficial to your marketing teams and campaigns.